Tuesday 16 October 2012

Objectives, Methods, Assessment Criteria, and Evaluation of Own Lesson-4 components of good Lesson Plan

Happy to help!

1. Objectives. Number one criteria of a good lesson plan? Objectives. What, specifically, do you want your students to be able to do (or know) after your lesson? "By the end of this lesson, students will be able to employ three organizational strategies when writing personal essays," etc.

2. Methods. How will you teach the lesson. Detailed outline of your approach--activities, content, strategies.

3. Assessment. How will you assess whether your students "got it"? A quiz, an activity, an exercise, a paper? What will you use to know whether your objectives were met?

4. Evaluation. This is the "winner" in setting apart the good lesson plans from the great ones! How will you evaluate--not your students--but your own lesson? What went well? What went poorly? What will you try differently next time? The best teachers are always learning.

I really hope this helps. (And don't forget that last component--evaluation of your own lesson! It will set you apart!) Good luck!
Sources: Opinion of a Retired Public School Teacher

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